Book Vie De Van


*French only

By: Julien de Go-Van and his collaborators

Type: Practical guide dedicated to those who love road trips, whether for a weekend or for a long trip.

Genre: Adventure

Number of pages: 304

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Book Vie De Van – by Julien of Go-Van: Vanlife is a movement that brings together those who, in search of freedom and adventure, have chosen the road as a way of life. Autonomous workers, couples or families, these are their fascinating stories that are told in the Book “Vie de Van”. Throughout the pages, we follow Julien Roussin Côté, founder of the Go-Van blog, and his collaborators around the world. From Quebec to Louisiana, passing by the Swiss Alps or Tierra del Fuego, these passionate people share with us their favorites, their thoughts, their advice and their suggestions for itineraries.

In addition to being visually inspiring, the book helps answer the essential questions about vanlife. Are you cut out for the vanlife? How much does it cost to live on the road? What should you plan before leaving for a long trip? How do these nomads balance work and adventure? Vanlife is at the same time a hymn to the bohemian life, a nose-thumbing to sedentary life and a book to make all those who love to travel dream. It’s also a guide full of tips and a beautiful book that pays tribute to the beauty of landscapes and the immensity of the great outdoors.

Themes: Travel, portraits, stories, adventure
Format: 17 cm x 24 cm, soft cover
Publication date: April 2019
ISBN: 9782924251713 (Paper)
Publisher: La Courte Échelle / Parfum d’encre

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Only the French edition is available at the moment, we’re working on getting the book translated and distributed worldwide. Stay tuned.